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Why you need to take care of your IID and the vehicle it’s in

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2023 | DUI

In North Carolina, a person who’s been convicted of a DUI/DWI violation with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of at least .15% or a second violation regardless of the BAC within seven years will likely need to get an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in their vehicle(s) to get temporary driving privileges reinstated. Driving without an IID when you’re required to have one can result in further penalties.

Most people know basically what an IID is. It’s a breathalyzer-type device attached to the vehicle’s ignition that requires the driver to blow into it and register close to a zero BAC before the car will start. They generally require “rolling retests” where a driver needs to pull over and repeat the test periodically while they’re on the road.

If you’re considering whether to get an IID so that you can drive legally, it’s crucial to understand a bit about how they work and what can cause them to malfunction. The IID is a piece of electronic equipment that depends on the vehicle’s battery to work properly. Here are two common things that can cause an IID to falsely report a violation.

A dead battery

An IID shouldn’t run down your battery. However, if the battery dies, the IID will read that as a violation. That’s why it’s critical to make sure that your battery is in good condition before you have the IID installed. It’s also important not to do anything that would run down the battery, like not starting the car for many days or, as happens in some cars, sitting in it with the engine off and the radio or other car electronics running.

Cold temperatures

North Carolina temperatures can drop sharply in the winter and sometimes other parts of the year. If it gets cold enough, an IID can freeze. There are ways to prevent that. Each IID brand is different, so if there’s a chance your vehicle will be in a cold area, check with the installers about how to prevent freezing.

There are other things to be careful about if you have an IID. Make sure that you and anyone else who may be using your vehicle know how to avoid them. Before you get an IID, be sure that you can abide by the requirements, like having it regularly calibrated. Having legal guidance can help you get through this period and get your full driving privileges reinstated.