Cotten Law Firm, PLLC
Aggressively defending your rights at some of the most reasonable rates around.

Suspended License Attorney In Raleigh

Committed To Protecting Your Driving Privileges In Wake County

With how ubiquitous driving is in nearly everyone’s life, it can be easy to forget that driving is a privilege, not a right. There are several missteps that a person can take, not all of which pertain directly to driving, which could result in your license being suspended. This is why you’ll need a traffic lawyer to help you reinstate your suspended license in North Carolina.

Many agencies can impose this penalty, including the Department of Motor Vehicles, Secretary of State, Department of Revenue or Motor Vehicle Division.

What Causes A License Suspension In North Carolina?

There are several things that could result in license suspension in North Carolina, these can include the following:

  • Accumulating too many driving record points
  • Receiving multiple traffic violations or speeding tickets
  • Driving while license revoked for impaired revocation
  • Conviction of moving violation during the period of suspension
  • Certain out-of-state convictions
  • Getting a DWI
  • Failing to appear in court or pay fees
  • Failing to pay child support

It’s important to note that the length of your license suspension will be dependent on the specifics of your case. If you have had your license suspended, it’s in your best interest to consult with our Raleigh suspended license attorney, who can provide the legal guidance and support you need to help get your license reinstated. Regardless of the reason for your license being suspended, our team at Cotten Law Firm, PLLC, is here to help.

Let us help you get your license back as quickly as possible! Contact us today by calling us at 984-600-3090 to schedule a free consultation and find out what we can do for you.

Penalties For Driving Without A Valid License In North Carolina

There are several further consequences you can expect to see if you are caught continuing to drive after your license has been suspended. You could be facing a Class 1 misdemeanor, with penalties that include the possibility of jail time and fines.

The sentence facing someone convicted of driving with a suspended license depends heavily on if they have previous convictions. Rather than risking these penalties, we strongly recommend that you instead bring our team in to help you avoid getting your license suspended in the first place.

License Reinstatement In North Carolina

If your license has been suspended, there are a few steps that you can take to reinstate it:

Once your suspension period has ended, you will be required to submit certain documentation and pay applicable fees before reinstating your license. While some reinstatement options may be available online, many will require you to visit your local DMV. Contact us for more information or for help reinstating your license.

Raleigh Traffic Attorney

A driver’s license suspension becomes part of your official, permanent North Carolina driving record. A revoked driver’s license is even more difficult because your privileges are removed for a longer period of time.

If your license has been revoked it is extremely important to speak with an experienced traffic lawyer to discuss your options. It is all too common that a clerk of court or person at DMV will tell you to simply go pay off your tickets. Note that this is not qualified legal advice. The scenario that happens way too often is that, upon this poor advice, you would go down to the courthouse and pay the tickets (which often costs thousands of dollars). You would then go to DMV to reinstate your driver’s license and, three days later, receive notice from the DMV that your license is then revoked for a longer period of time. Do not take this risk; at Cotten Law Firm we offer free consultations and will be able to tell you if we can help.

Hiring an experienced traffic attorney can save you literally thousands of dollars when you have a suspended license for missed court dates. If you have been convicted of a DWI, we can also discuss the possibility of a limited driving privilege (LDP). Attorney Cotten has hundreds of reviews from satisfied clients. Give our office a call at 984-600-3090 or visit our website to chat live with an assistant 24 hours a day. Our office serves clients in central North Carolina including Wake, Johnston, Harnett, Orange, Lee and Chatham counties.

Contact a Raleigh traffic ticket defense lawyer for compassionate, aggressive and affordable legal representation if you have been charged with a license violation.

Related Topics:

  • How Can I Get My Driver’s License Back Once It’s Been Suspended?

If you need help regaining your driving privileges, contact our Raleigh criminal defense attorneys today at 984-600-3090. We serve clients throughout.