Cotten Law Firm, PLLC
Aggressively defending your rights at some of the most reasonable rates around.

Lost Your Traffic Ticket?

If you find yourself in the common position of having lost your speeding or traffic ticket, all is not lostThe first step is to determine whether or not you have missed your court date.

If you have missed your court date you are at risk of:

  • Having a Failure to Appear (FTA) and a $200.00 fine assessed
  • Your license revoked
  • And potentially even having an Order for Arrest (OFA) issued

If you think you have missed your court date, give me a call at 984-600-3090 to discuss options immediately.

One way to do a quick check is to open a few of the letters almost certainly received from attorneys; most will list the county, the court date and the offense(s) charged.

If you have trashed those letters, you can visit the North Carolina court system website at:

  • Once online, you can enter the County name in the first field; if you are unsure, just leave it blank to do a statewide search.
  • To search for your specific name, type (with no spaces) your last name, a comma, and your first initial. For example, if your name is Jeremy Cotten, search for “cotten,j” to return all results with the last name “cotten” and the first initial of “j”.
  • If your name does not appear it is very likely that your case date has passed.

If your court date has passed please give us a call anytime and we will discuss options on how to favorably resolve your case. Please do not delay if your court date has passed as you are up against the clock on being assessed a Failure to Appear, license revocation, or having an Order for Arrest issued.

Contact my firm today to get started on your free case consultation.