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Ticket defense: The “Prayer for Judgment Continued” statute

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2024 | Traffic tickets

Do you know about North Carolina’s Prayer for Judgment (PJC) statute? It offers a unique option for defendants facing minor criminal or traffic offenses.

Learning more about the law can guide your decisions when dealing with traffic and other minor offenses in North Carolina.

What does it do?

A PJC allows a judge to find you guilty without entering the offense against you. However, the conviction remains a part of your record and can still lead to the loss of your driving privileges.

Unknown to most, asking for a PJC can also result in additional unforeseen hardships, including:

  • Court costs: Even though a PJC avoids a formal conviction, defendants are still responsible for court costs, which can be substantial.
  • Insurance points: While a PJC can help avoid DMV points, it can only be used once every three years per household, for insurance purposes, potentially limiting future options for yourself and other family members.

Additionally, certain state agencies, like the North Carolina Department of Insurance, may view a PJC as a conviction, possibly leading to civil penalties.

What does it cover?

Not all offenses qualify for a PJC. Serious traffic offenses like driving while impaired, excessively speeding and solicitation of prostitution are excluded. Further, commercial drivers and repeat traffic offenders may not be eligible.

It is important to consult with an experienced representative to help you determine if you are eligible and prepare for the next steps. They can also offer guidance about the disadvantages, if any, it may pose in your unique situation. Another benefit of getting a legal opinion is receiving insight into other defense options for traffic tickets and minor offenses in North Carolina.